Well, School started up again, and I'm trying to organize myself to be productive. With two weeks lost from the school being closed, The second half of my semester (or Term IV) has been reduced from 6.5 to 5 Weeks. They eliminated a large chunk of the study week before final exams, and pushed back the final exam schedule. Students, and Faculty are now in a mad rush trying to grasp Term IV.
I myself, have two more great distractions,
1. My motorcycle is legally on the road! The bike passed inspection, and went through the registration with relatively no worries. I got extremely nervous when the inspector said there is a problem with the database record on my VIN number. If this was the NYS DMV, I would probably resort to throwing the bike off a cliff, because registration would be futile at this point. But no, not New Zealand! The inspector physically removed the VIN number from my frame, and pop riveted an entirely new VIN number. A fancy-shmancy new license plate, and I am now good to go! The legal riding motorcycle has got me planning for multiple weekend trips around the South island, and trying to live on the back of a motorcycle between semesters.

I also just ordered a petrol camping stove. Quite dangerous, to prime it you must light the whole assembly with a tablespoon of petrol, heat up the assembly and then turn on the gas you pressurized in the nearby bottle. But sure does heat water quick!2. My sister is coming to New Zealand! Another Stover has realized they had to get out of the
States. I may have to change the title of this blog to "Stover's In New Zealand". She'll be here for FIVE weeks, and the adventures to follow will be numerous. I'm pretty excited to see the photography she'll capture while traveling the south island. I'll be sure to share with you here.

In other news, this blog hit over 2,000 views last week! So thanks everyone who have been checking out the blog. I decided being that I couldn't get a work visa for my remaining 9 months of being in NZ, I would need to find alternate methods of income. So, being that I spend a large part of my time on this blog, I thought I'd expand it more to get some ad money. So far so good, a couple dollars here and there for my personal journal i was working on anyway, and through networking to different sites the blog audience has been rapidly growing. So thanks for the beer money everyone!
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