Monday, October 11, 2010

My Future Plans For the Summer

I've just purchased my ticket back from Australia, which solidifies my plans for the summer. Here's the scoop.

October 7th: Ellie Arrives. Still in spring, but for as much as we care, it's pretty much summer. I'll be balancing on a tightrope showing Ellie around New Zealand and going on adventures while trying to pass all my classes.

November 6th: Finals end. Celebrate, say goodbye to everyone who is leaving this semester

November 16th: I leave for AUSTRALIA! Flying to Sydney where I'll stay for a week. Ellie will leave around the 19th from NZ, doing whatever she feels like.

November 26th:I leave from Sydney, doing whatever means necessary to get to Melbourne on a college student's budget.

December 3rd: I leave from Melbourne back to Christchurch

December 4th-7th: I leave Christchurch on my way to Auckland to meet mom and Dad.

December 7th-25th: I try to show the Parents New Zealand in less than three weeks.

December 26th-early January: I try to sell the car with Sophie, split our profits and I start planning my motorcycle adventure.

January/February: I'm on the road. I have no residence, and therefore I go from campsite to campsite, couch to couch, bumming off as many friends and strangers as possible. Everything I need for the 1.5-2 months will be on my back and on my motorcycle, and I will tour both the North and South Islands.

February 22nd(ish?): I come back to Christchurch in hopes of finding a flat for the remaining semester, and start school shortly after

I'm pretty excited for all this traveling, but it wont be an easy task. From November 15th on I have no residence, until I start up school again in late February. I will also have a completely relaxed schedule, going where I care to, and stopping wherever I, (or the bike) pleases If the bike fails, depending on the condition I may just salvage what I can and walk. or who knows, ride sheep.

The trips will either have me done with traveling for quite a while, or only make my taste for traveling/adventure into a sick addiction, dependent only on my bank account. Hopefully during my travels I will be able to do small jobs in return for food or accommodation.