Friday, July 9, 2010

4th post! Miscellaneous!

Well, it’s a slow day without having to register for classes, welcome dinners and trying to recuperate from long travel days! So today I decided to organize my room, get a grip on my future plans for this week/weekend, and cook with my newly acquired slow cooker!

I picked up the slow cooker off of, New Zealand’s “ebay” website. So I placed a bid a little too high but got this used slow cooker in pristine condition for $50NZD (or $35USD). Well, my first meal with this cooker is going to be beef pot roast! Simple, cheap, flavorful. All I did was beef, vegetables, onion soup mix, and two bottles of my new favorite draught in NZ, Canterbury Draught! Brown the meat, then add to the slow cooker with the rest of the ingredients. The worst part, wait 8-10 hours. Well, in the meantime it smells delicious.

For those wondering my course load this semester I will be taking ALL PHYSICS COURSES! Not the brightest idea Luke while you’re supposed to be taking in all of New Zealand.

So here they are:

-Quantum Physics

-Electricity and Magnetism

-Experimental Physics

-Classical Mechanics and Symmetry Principles

But I have to take physics courses while I’m here, this is the alma mater of famous physicist Ernest Rutherford! In fact, he’s on the $100NZD bill!

Well for upcoming events, this weekend im hitting up the slopes with the ski club for this weekend, with accommodations in University of Canterbury’s own ski lodge on the mountain! Should be a great way to meet some future classmates in the white-caped southern alps in July. Hoping to take some great shots while trying to stay on the snowboard.

Sweet as! (awesome/cool in NZ


  1. I'm jealous of everything but the course-load! sounds excellent. Is the stew as good as you hoped?
    When's the play?
    Please wear a helmet when you snowboard.

  2. I second the helmet idea - head injuries in foreign countries are not recommended :)

  3. i will go ahead and third that idea because i am fond of you and would like for you to come back to us in one piece. : )
