Monday, July 26, 2010

snow craft!!

Well, I'll make this post real quick because I have some work to catch up, because I was away all weekend. What was I doing, Snow crafting! We headed up to Temple Basin in Arthur's Pass (The same place I went 2 weekends ago) and carried our packs up 1000m difference in elevation through over a foot of snow! I have enough exercise from that weekend for the next two weeks I'm pretty sure. Anyway, Julie, Tom and I slept in out crappy 25 $NZD tent we bought last week, and surprisingly held up against the freezing temperatures. I took the orion constellation photo about 5:00am, and got some other great long-exposure shots.

We proceeded up the rest of the mountain, practicing self-arresting with our snow-axes in case we were to ever slip down a mountain face. Lots of fun, and pretty useful training i'd say! On the way down after our self-arresting training we slid down the mountain on our butts. A lot quicker than going up. Soon ill post the helmet cam video I took.

you can view more pictures from the trip on my facebook page:

and heres some photos from the first week:

-"Lukey" Stover

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. -- T.S. Eliot


  1. Hey Luke, I'm really liking your blog and I'm impressed by your energy and all that you have done in such a short time. I was particularly moved by the Orion photo and the comment you made earlier about seeing the southern cross for the first time. It was the new view of the stars that struck me most deeply the first time I ventured into the southern hemisphere.

  2. thanks fred! Yes the biggest reality check that I was in a different place was seeing all these new constellations and orientations of stars. I didn't think I could tell the difference from back home but it created such a strange feeling that I was'nt "in kansas anymore"

  3. i can't get over how breath taking that picture of orion's belt is!
